It was of great importance to us when developing our bio-oxidative topical cream that the side effects experienced from using the herpes and HPV treatment were minimised.
To attack the viruses we took well-known natural anti-viral oils and used scientific principles to add substantial levels of stabilised oxygen to the oils. As you will by now be aware, viruses (such as HPV, genital warts, vaginal warts, anal warts & herpes) cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment because they are anaerobic micro-oganisms.
Bio-oxidised Oils
For the HPV treatment we slowly and continuously (24 hours a day) infuse ozone from our cold plasma generator into Birch oil. Over a period of several weeks, we wind up with Bio oxidive Birch oil with high levels of stabilsed oxygen. After 6 weeks of ozonation, it becomes a very viscous, balm like consistency which we add to our HPV Treatment. To discover why oxidised oils are so effective at combating genital warts, anal warts, HPV, herpes and cold sores, you can have a look at our medical studies page.
We will give you a full refund if our hpv treatment or herpes treatment does not work for you.
Some strains of HPV are preventable. Late in October 2007 the UK government announced that a comprehensive HPV vaccination programme will begin in September 2008. Girl and boys aged from 12 to 13 years old will be vaccinated initially, and later the HPV vaccination programme will extend to girls up to the age of 18. The cost of the treatment to the National Health Service (NHS) is estimated to be £250.00 per vaccination and the scheme is projected to be able to reduce cervical cancer in women by 70 percent. Screening is still recommended; however, as the vaccines do not immunise against all strains of HPV.
Read BBC press releases about the HPV vaccine (links open in new windows):
Vaccine against cervical cancer: 29/10/2004
Cancer jab plea for girls aged 11: 6/10/2006
HPV and cervical cancer – do we need another vaccine?: Women's Hour, 14/03/2007
Cervical Cancer: Case Notes, 12/06/2007
Schoolgirls to get 'cancer jab' (video link): 26/10/2007