Are you worried about genital warts or the possibility of infecting a partner with genital warts? Too embarrassed to visit your GP or STD clinic?. Start destroying your genital warts today with our topical genital warts treatment cream (available without prescription).
Researchers Recently made a Major Breakthrough
This recent discovery enabled our genital warts and herpes treatment to be formulated. The breakthrough allows our treatment to not only remove the symptoms of genital warts and herpes faster, it will also attack the viruses which cause these conditions.
Our genital warts and herpes treatment also has a second major benefit. The treatment is formulated to substantially boost regeneration of the skin affected by the symptoms of the virus; this means that you won’t suffer from unsightly scar tissue after using the treatment. The area affected will also heal much faster, than it would otherwise.
This major scientific discovery concerns how viruses are made up, and how they interact with their surrounding environment. It was discovered that both the genital warts and genital herpes viruses are negatively aligned or charged. This means that if they come into contact with a positively charged substance they will die. Such a discovery has obvious potential for application in the treatment of viruses such as genital warts and herpes.
At Waldon Bioresearch we were already aware of positively charged, non-harmful substances that would react with viruses in this manner when applied topically. We knew that Ozone and H2o2 (bio-oxidives) are positively charged substances that would saturate the area around the virus with oxygen. Though the application of these substances we were able to use this breakthrough to prove that we could quickly remove the symptoms and destroy the genital warts and herpes virus if we treated an infected area topically with ozone or H2o2.
The Ozone or H2o2 used in our treatment had one more significant advantage; it boosts levels of Interferon by 400% to 700% in the human body. Interferon is a chemical that is part of the body’s natural defense system used against invading viruses (Interferon is FDA approved for the treatment of genital warts and genital herpes). Our treatment therefore attacks the symptoms of the virus and the virus itself on two levels, increasing its effectiveness.
Finally, oxygen levels are also increased in the area where Ozone or H2o2 are topically applied. Three oxygen atoms make up Ozone, and H2o2 has 2 oxygen atoms. Once our Treatment removes the symptoms, and the increased oxygen from the treatment will increase the regeneration of new skin, reduce scarring and speed up healing time, so you can be yourself again.
Our powerful topical cream acts against those viruses which cause genital warts, anal warts, vaginal warts, herpes and cold sores. This concentrated bio-oxidive topical treatment, takes a powerful anti-viral agent and infuses it with oxygen (in the form of Ozone and H2O2). With this combination we destroy the physical symptoms of these conditions, reduce the discomfort and pain and destroy the viruses which cause them.
You are not alone, nearly 4.2 million people suffer from genital warts in the UK. Our topical treatment has helped over 100,000 genital warts sufferers worldwide over the past 6 years, so you know that it is effective.
The Genital Wart & Herpes Treatment [Genital Warts Pictures]
Find out more about why our treatment for the HPV and herpes viruses is effective here.
Our HPV treatment is applied topically to the area infected. The genital warts and HPV treatment has two goals:
If you are experiencing anxiety because of your genital warts or HPV outbreaks, remember that you are not alone. Around 4.2 million people from the United Kingdom carry the virus. Our genital warts cream can help you to rid yourself of these viruses; whether you are suffering from genital warts, anal warts or vaginal warts.
Our cold sore and herpes treatment is applied topically two times per day for a week. Results are better when application begins during the early stages of tingling and itching (known as the prodrome stage). The herpes and cold sore treatment has three goals:
Genital warts (including vaginal and anal warts) are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV is usually transmitted sexually and is very contagious. In women, the warts can be found in and around the vagina and anus. In men the affected areas are the penis, anus, groin and around the scrotum. A number of HPV strains can lead to cancer of the cervix and other cancers so gynecological examination and bi-annual pap tests are necessary as a precautionary measure and to hopefully ensure an early diagnosis. In the UK a comprehensive vaccination programme for some stains of HPV is due to launch for girls and boys between 12 and 13 years of age in September 2008 (read more about the HPV vaccination programme).
Genital Warts PictureHerpes - The herpes simplex virus comes in two varieties: HSV-1 and HSV-2. The two are very similar except that HSV-1 outbreaks occur usually around the mouth in the form of cold sores, whereas HSV-2 viruses tend to appear around the genitals and vagina. When a herpes infection is contracted the first warning signals are tingling and itching sensations. These symptoms are known collectively as the prodrome stage, and are harbingers of the onset of an outbreak of herpes. The itching symptoms associated with Prodrome are caused by the simplex virus multiplying within the skin. Within two to seven days from the outset of Prodrome, sores and fluid-filled blisters begin to show. During the initial episode it may take up to a month for the sores to scab over and dry out.
The herpes virus can lay dormant for long periods. It is often triggered by stress, sickness, poor diet, over-activity/exhaustion and even exposure to strong sunlight combined with a weakened immune system. The herpes simplex virus travels around nerve pathways to the site of the outbreak.
Herpes is contagious directly before and during an episode. The highest risk of passing on the infection is when the virus is replicating in the skin prior to an episode and also during the outbreak while the blisters are filled with fluid. It is highly unlikely that you will contract the herpes simplex virus from contact with items such as toilets, cups or other objects. The herpes virus is spread through direct physical contact with another person. Particularly vulnerable are the genitals, vagina and anus along with most surfaces of the mouth. Kissing, caressing and sexual intercourse with someone during the contagious stage will spread the herpes virus.
[Genital Wart Pictures]